New Details on the Season Finales for ARROW, THE FLASH, GOTHAM and DC’s LEGENDS OF TOMORROW
TV Line has posted its sneak peek at this year’s May Sweeps, where dozens of television shows conclude their current seasons. Here, TV Line offers new details for four of DC’s season finales – Arrow, The Flash, Gotham and Legends of Tomorrow. Members of each show’s creative teams chime in on what to expect in these episodes, ranging from death and emotion to new heroes and more.
For TV Line’s entire May Sweeps coverage, including the non-DC show sections, click the link above.
This season finale of Arrow will be “huge,” with the filming taking place partly in a big intersection in Vancouver. The finale is compared to the second season’s epic ending, and it looks like not everyone will make it out alive. Showrunner Wendy Mericle says, “It’s a pretty grim one, I’m sad to say. We have a huge number of potential fatalities. And you’ll definitely get a hint about where the team is headed for Season 5.” So, it looks like Laurel isn’t the only one biting the dust this season. Let the speculation begin on who will die next.
The Arrow season four finale will air Wednesday, May 25th at 8 PM EST on The CW.
Last time on The Flash, Barry allowed Zoom to steal his speed, rendering him normal. This complicates things in the next episode. Oh, and Zoom has kidnapped Caitlin as well. Over the next few episodes, we’ll finally discover Zoom’s exact endgame, while Barry has to deal with not having his speed anymore.
This season finale of The Flash will try to “raise the bar” in terms of emotion and spectacle, says co-showrunner Todd Helbing. “Grant [Gustin] posted about how insanely emotional the finale is, and emotion really is driving it. But the vastness of the showdown is pretty epic.” Last year’s season finale was ridiculously emotional, so this year’s has some big shoes to fill.
Meanwhile, Helbing teases further developments for “WestAllen.” And as for the identity of the Man in the Iron Mask, Helbing says that fans will NOT see it coming. Hmmm.
The Flash season two finale airs Tuesday, May 24th at 8 PM EST on The CW.
Next up, we have Gotham. In the remainder of the show’s second season, the storylines of Hugo Strange’s agenda and the investigation into the Waynes’ murder will intersect. Executive producer John Stephens had this to say about the season finale. “You have to watch the last scene,” where “…the nature of the city of Gotham will change.” He adds, “It’s a development that is in line with all the other story we’ve been telling, but one piece that we’ve kept hidden.”
Additionally, at the end of this season, the lives of two characters are on the line. Uh oh. Time to speculate.
The Gotham season two finale will air Monday, May 23rd at 8 PM EST on Fox.
Finally, we have DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. In the past few weeks, the team has had to defend itself against the Hunters and the Pilgrim. However, the group is ready to strike again at Vandal Savage – at the height of the villain’s power in 2166, no less. Also, it looks like the Legends will have to deal with those pesky Time Masters again.
As for Legends‘ season finale, we’ll return to the world our heroes legends left behind in 2016. The group will also meet that mystery superhero played by Patrick J. Adams. The character will offer a glimpse at the show’s second season, which will be “a lot different” from season one. Also: Adams’ character wears a cape. Could it be this rumored character?
The Legends of Tomorrow season one finale will air Thursday, May 19th at 8 PM EST on The CW.
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