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Will Another Marvel Hero Appear on Netflix's THE PUNISHER?

Following The Defenders, the next phase of Netflix’s Marvel shows will kick off with The Punisher. Spinning out of Daredevil‘s second season, the series will fully put Jon Bernthal’s Frank Castle in the spotlight. However, that doesn’t mean he’ll be the only Marvel “hero” to appear.

MCU Exchange was in attendance at this year’s Asia Pop Comic-Con, where Marvel presented footage from upcoming films and shows. The panel was hosted by C.B. Cebulksi, Marvel’s Senior Vice President of Creator and Content Development. During the panel, Cebulksi praised Marvel’s success on Netflix and commented on The Punisher, commenting that “…another Marvel hero may be showing up” in that series.

Cebulksi’s offhanded comment doesn’t tell us who this mystery Marvel hero is, but there are certainly a lot of possibilities. The Punisher can feature one of Netflix’s previously-established heroes, such as Iron Fist or Jessica Jones. Or the show can debut a new Marvel character, such as Moon Knight. We’ll have to wait and see.

For MCU Exchange’s complete speculation on the mystery hero (which includes MAJOR SPOILERS for The Defenders), click HERE. Who do you think it could be? Let us know on Twitter.

The Punisher premieres sometime this year on Netflix.

Paul Romano

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of WOBAM! Entertainment.