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Rumor: DC Films Emphasizing on the Legion of Doom for the Future

With Justice League‘s box office results being lackluster so far, there has been much speculation over the future of the DC Films franchise. There are three movies that are definitely happening – Aquaman, Shazam, and Wonder Woman 2 – but beyond that, the future is very much uncertain. However, a new rumor suggests that Warner Bros. does have plans for the foreseeable future, with an iconic supervillain team at the center of it.

[Warning: The Following Contains SPOILERS From Justice League.]
The end-credits scene for Justice League saw Deathstroke meeting with Lex Luthor, who pitched the idea of forming their own League. This was a good indicator that a potential sequel would unite the Legion of Doom/Injustice League, a team of DC’s biggest supervillains. While a sequel is uncertain right now, this other League is said to be very much part of the studio’s plans.
According to El Fanboy, DC Films will use the Legion of Doom as “connective tissue” for the next few movies. This is based on the hype surrounding the Justice League post-credits scene. DC will plant the seeds for the team’s build-up over the next several films – for example, Aquaman may have a post-credits scene building towards the Legion – and there’d be a big payoff at the end of the plan.
El Fanboy’s source also says WB is planning “something cool” related to the team for San Diego Comic-Con next year, while Darkseid (who was teased in both Batman v Superman and Justice League) will take a backseat to the Legion of Doom. Additionally, the source says that WB expected Justice League to underperform, but there’s hope about its legs in the next few weeks, thanks to good social media chatter and its smaller second-weekend drop.
So, if DC Films does have a long term plan for the future, it appears that the Legion of Doom is the focus of it. Should be very interesting.
Stay tuned for more as we have it.
Paul Romano

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of WOBAM! Entertainment.