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Which LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Stars Will Also Appear on ARROW and THE FLASH?

When DC’s Legends of Tomorrow premieres early next year, joining Arrow and The Flash, three DC Entertainment shows will also run simultaneously on The CW. Crossovers between all three shows have been expected, and according to The Flash star Grant Gustin, that is the plan.

Speaking with Buzzfeed, Gustin says that DC’s Legends of Tomorrow feels less like a spin-off and more like a third part of the same story being told by The Flash and Arrow. Essentially, they all feel like one single show. The actor also reveals that “a lot” of these characters appear on all three shows. For example, in addition to DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Captain Cold and Heat Wave will not only return to The Flash next season, but they will also cross over to Arrow. “Like, I’m on Flash, but as far as a lot of those other characters are concerned, they’re just on three TV shows at one time, which is really cool. Wentworth [Miller, who plays Captain Cold] and Dominic [Purcell, who plays Heat Wave] are on Legends, but they’ll be on Arrow and Flash, too. It’s like a revolving door for all three shows.”

Of course, the possibilities likely won’t stop there. You would imagine that Ray Palmer’s story would continue next season on Arrow, and maybe the first half of that season will also see the resurrection of Sara Lance. Additionally, it looks like at least one Legends of Tomorrow star will appear on The Flash finale tonight. It’ll be exciting to see how all three of these shows interconnect.

For the rest of Buzzfeed’s interview with Gustin, click the link above. Stay tuned for more as we have it.

Paul Romano

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of WOBAM! Entertainment.