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THE FLASH Adding Another to Season Two Cast

We’re likely still a ways from Season 2 of The Flash filming but as the writers have SAID, season two production is
underway.  This means casting news.
Yesterday it was reported that Barry is getting a new love
interest, a “spunky fun and funny” woman who works with Barry in the
CCPD that we’re still pretending isn’t Patty Spivot named
“Wendy.” Today it’s a “classically-handsome, square-jawed hero
in his 30s to early 40s” named “John Clark.”
Like “Wendy,” “John Clark” is likely a
fake name to keep the character secret but TV-Line Speculates that since John
Clark is a letterer for DC Comics that that could be a hint.
So, what are some of the comics that Clark worked on?
There’s All-Star
, a team up book that ran for six years in the 80s.  Several heroes on the team are known for
being Earth-2 mainstays: Alan Scott “Green Lantern,” Hourman, Doctor
Fate, Hawkman and the Jay Garrick Flash.
Jay Garrick is a strong possibility especially considering:
However the character is described by TV Line as
“Cynical” and “with an edge.”  These traits could point to Hawkman or Hourman
as both have been written with darker slants over the years.
Still with some of the themes introduced in the season
finale, it could be a future Barry Allen from Earth-3 for all we know.
As soon as more information on this or other DC properties becomes
available, Watchtower will bring it to you.
Source – TV Line.


airs on the CW, Tuesdays at 8E and is available streaming.
PS- Hawkman even has a history with Vibe:

Just another guy on the internet.