Review: WONDER TWINS No. 1 – Wonder Twin Powers: Activate?
The Wonder Twins have been apart of the DC Universe for decades. Their most notable run was during the Super Friends in the 1970s. Now, they’ve made their return to the world of comics with their own series. Wonder Twins No. 1 is a crazy, weird, and fun time!
Jayna and Zan are from the planet Exxor. The twin teens have been banished from their homeworld. Why? We don’t know exactly. However, we do know that Superman feels the need to give them a home. So, he enrolls them into high school and introduces them to the Justice League. The two need to adjust to life on earth while dealing with their own quirks and teenage problems. All of this takes place while the Justice League have to face Mxyzptlk.
Writer Mark Russell gives the series a refreshing spin. The book is practically a parody of the DC universe, and it’s pretty fun. Jayna and Zan are both excellent characters, and they play off the rest of the Justice League quite well. Seeing Batman talk about his high school crush is something I will ever get used to, but for some reason, it works here. It created a bonding moment for him, Superman, and Zan.
Stephen Byrne’s art also really pops. It fits the book’s tone perfectly. Mxyzptlk makes a great foil and the fact that he causes as much trouble as he does for the League makes it even funnier. The way he’s eventually defeated is hilarious.
Overall, it’s a fun issue! Is it groundbreaking? Not at all, but it’s an enjoyable read if you need something light and fun. The Wonder Twins are back and they returned with a bang.
Let us know if you check out Wonder Twins No. 1 in the comments below or @WOBAMEnt on Twitter and Facebook! For more comic reviews and all things in the world of DC Entertainment stay tuned.
Story: 3/5
Characters: 4/5
Thunderlust: 5/5
Overall: 4/5
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