With the DC TV universe(s) in full swing, TVLine had a chance to talk with the producers of Supergirl and The Flash; while assuring us that the Titans aren’t dead.
After talking with DC Entertainment CCO Geoff Johns, TVLine learned that the Teen Titans will still be featured in live action, Johns said: “We [at DC] have known about [Turner nixing Titans] for months and months and months. That’s not new news to us.” The silver lining: Regardless of the basic cabler’s decision, “We have plans for Titans,” Johns shared. “It’s a huge piece of DC and we have plans.”
We also learned that Wally West need some time before he becomes the version of the character we love from the comics. “Wally still has some rough edges to be sanded down,” said EP Andrew Kreisberg. “It would be a disservice to the character if suddenly everything was hunky dory with him,” says Kreisberg. When we met Wally, “He was about to lose his mother, the only family he’s ever known; he has this ‘instant family’ that is trying to figure out a way not to drive him away while also giving him the love that they so desperately want to give him; and he’s also a young man. All of that is a hard road to travel, and it is going to have its bumps and its miscommunications, but ultimately — and this is no surprise if you read the comics — it’s all heading toward a good place.” Could This good place lead to Wally becoming a speedster? We can only hope.
Staying on the subject of The Flash, Caitlin is desperate to keep Jay from dying, Andrew Kreisberg gives us a little more information on Caitlin’s mindset going into this situation. “When Ronnie died, both times he was literally snatched out of Caitlin’s life. She had to stand by and watch, helpless,” Kreisberg notes. “But the problem that Jay is facing is [based in] biochemistry — her specialty — so she is determined to not let history repeat itself. Instead of being a victim of fate, she is now in the driver’s seat, and that creates a very different dynamic for her. It definitely lets her shine, while also showing a vulnerability to Jay. It’s always hard to see your heroes be weak, and in some ways it’s harder for the hero themselves, to need to be saved. ”
TVLine confirmed that we will see Clark Kent for the first time on Supergirl next but, not in a way we may have expected. We will see a young Kal-El on Krypton, the next episode is titled For The Girl Who Has Everything. Based on the comic For Man Who Has Everything, Superman goes into this dream-like state where he has the life he always wanted, a life where Krypton was never destroyed. Supergirl is adapting this story, and we will see young Kal-El played by Daniel DiMaggio (see image above).
After Deadshot and Amanda Waller were killed off during the last season and a half of Arrow many wondered what did this mean for Katana. It appears the Warner Brothers wanted the Arrow writers to get rid of their Suicide Squad because the movie was eminent. it remains to be see whether or not this is true, but TVLine spoke to EP Wendy Mericle on the matter. “We loved that Tatsu last season kind of evolved into [Katana], so we’re really excited about her return. It was great to have Rila [Fukushima] back and to see that character again, but it’ll be kind of a new, surprising way that we do it.” Hopefully this isn’t the last we see of Katana of Arrow.
For more DCTV news, stay tuned.
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