Recap: SUPERGIRL S1 E19 “Myriad”
Warning: This review contains spoilers from the episode.
The season is almost over, and things are getting intense! After last week’s fun and light-hearted crossover with The Flash; things took a turn for the worse. We see Non and Indigo’s plan come to fruition, and it’s not looking good for our heroine. Ashtra’s plan from the beginning has always been the Myriad virus. This will give her complete control of everyone in National City. Non is going to finish what his wife started and will take control of the city, and then the world.
This is a job bigger than anything Supergirl has ever faced, and she needs all of the help she can get. Thankfully her superpowered cousin is on his way to help! Right? Right? No? Fine. This is easily the most heartbreaking Superman tease yet, and I loved it. The explanation of why Myriad affected him was a little flimsy, but I’m willing to let it pass. We know that they can’t have Superman physically appear on the show, but it was nice to finally have Kara at least attempt to contact him.
The only way to stop Non is to use a kryptonite bomb, and it just happens that Maxwell Lord has a bunch of those sitting around his office. And yes, Lord and Cat Grant are not affected by the virus. Maxy just so happened to have devices that blocked the virus! Joking aside, it was a little annoying how Lord had a device/plan for everything. Aside from being a know-it-all Lord was great in this episode. He wants to save the world; even if his way will cause thousands of deaths. His way was the only way for much of the episode, and it was an interesting dynamic between the trio of Max, Cat and Kara. Max and Cat were like the angel and devil on Kara’s shoulders. Each having points on why they should and shouldn’t bomb the city. It was fun having these three locked in a room together for almost forty minutes
While Kara tries to save National City from destruction – Alex and J’onn are on the lam. The first scene we see them in is great. Alex is in this blonde wig and J’onn is this little boy. They go to Mommy Danvers’ house to stock up on supplies. This is when they learn of what happened to National City. We spend most of the episode in Mrs. Danvers’ home and Cat Grant’s office, and it’s some heavy stuff. The scenes with Mrs. Danvers and J’onn made for some comedic moments, and it was pretty well done. The only real problem I have with this episode is Alex. When J’onn is about to go help Kara – Alex begs him to let her tag along. As soon as they encounter Indigo she almost gets them both killed. It gets irritating seeing Alex always getting into trouble. If she just stayed out of the way J’onn might’ve been able to beat Indigo.
Later on we see Cat, Supergirl and Max come up with an alternative to bombing all of National City. They want to broadcast their own message in an effort to free people from the Myriad virus. It’s strange, but hopefully it makes more sense when we see the full plan next week. The biggest take away from this is the scenes leading up to it. We have a great conversation between Cat and Supergirl. Cat convinces Supergirl that killing these people with a bomb is the wrong way of going about it. This scene is great, and it’s just another reason why Cat has become a fan favorite. She’s to Kara what Joe is to Barry on The Flash. She’s the mother figure Kara needs to push her to become great.
The scene between Supergirl and Maxwell Lord was excellent. He learn his back story, and it makes perfect sense why he’s this way. The dead parents is a thing that will always be a used trope in comics, and it won’t go away time soon. Thankfully it was handled well. Kara was able to convince him that Hope is stronger than Fear, and he made a great turn towards the end. Will he be on Kara’s permanently? Who knows, but we need to see more of Lord next season. I’d definitely prefer him to stay in the grey area.
Overall this was a solid episode. Sadly we have the Batman vs Superman kryptonite fight to look forward to in the next episode. Hopefully it’s ends fairly quickly, and we can get into more story elements.
Supergirl airs Mondays at 8/7ct on CBS.
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