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INJUSTICE 2 Will Take Inspiration From All of DC Media; Receives Tie-In Comic

Today Injustice had their own panel at Comic-Con; we learned of two new characters and some new gameplay footage – all of this can be seen here. Today we learned more details on the game, and how it draws inspiration from across all of DC Media.

Injustice 2 will be borrowing heavily from DC’s animated films, live action movies and TV shows. Talking to Screen Rant, NetherRealm’s head, Ed Boon explained saying: “The thing about these DC characters is their represented in so many mediums between comics, movies, TV shows, and video games, obviously, and we’re huge fans and students of these characters. So we’re constantly watching those [movies and shows] and often times we’ll see things and go: ‘That would be so cool in our game.’” It’s pretty clear that they’re taking this very seriously. Superman’s new super move is pretty much cut from a scene in Man of Steel.

Continuing with the subject, Boon was asked if we’ll see Jared Leto’s Joker or Katie Cassidy’s Black Canary in the game, Boon replied saying: “We’re absolutely open to those ideas – and we’ve done a little of it. We had the Man of Steel Superman and are constantly looking for crossover things to bring up. Because a lot of the fans, they watch the movie and see the animated show, so there’s a great novelty to it.
This is very interesting news. With the new gear system, many fans didn’t know what to expect as far as skins go – did Boon just confirm alternate skins? Did he also just confirm Black Canary as a playable character? He certainly didn’t deny it. 

In other news we learned that Injustice 2 will receive a tie-in comic, just like Injustice: Gods Among Us. Much like the first time around Tom Taylor will be returning to tell the story. The weekly comic series will tell the backstory to the events of the game. In an interview with THR, Taylor expressed his yes excitement saying: “Really exciting, it’s a book I never wanted to leave. It’s right up there with the most fun I’ve ever had on a project. I had to leave to do my own TV series, but we’ve just wrapped a season of that and now I get to come back — this came up at just the right time, and when offered, I just said absolutely.” You can here more from Tom Taylor here

We can’t wait to get our hands on Injustice 2 comics and the game itself. For more news on Injustice 2 and everything DC Comics, stay tuned.

Injustice 2 comes to PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2017.

Michael Thomas
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