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THE FLASH Executive Producer Teases Season 3’s Tone; How Does Savitar Stand Out From Other Speedsters?

So in the season two finale of The Flash, Barry went back in time to stop Reverse-Flash from killing his mother. This decision leads directly into the show’s adaptation of “Flashpoint.” In the next season, Barry will be facing not one, but two main villains: Dr. Alchemy and the speedster Savitar.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Another evil speedster? Really? The first two seasons’ big bads, Reverse-Flash and Zoom, weren’t all that different. So, why a third one? Executive producer Todd Helbing explains in an interview with IGN.

Regarding why each season’s big bad has been a speedster, Helbing says that it gives Barry an enemy on an equal level – something that’s difficult with other metahumans. He then teases how Savitar will be different from Reverse-Flash and Zoom. “Savitar is more of a psychological villain in a weird way. I think the Hindu word for Savitar means God of Speed; he’s all about speed. Everything about this guy is different. I can’t go into super detail, but he’s not like Zoom or Reverse Flash.” And concerning how Savitar will connect to Dr. Alchemy, Helbing simply says that the two villains’ plans “…are not much different.”

Talk then turned to the tone of The Flash‘s third season. Last season had a darker tone than the first season, but Helbing promises a return to a lighter tone for season three. And how will Dr. Alchemy play a role tonally? “Last year we got pretty dark with Zoom, and I think we want to go back to more of a Season 1 lightness to it. We still need those darker moments, and I think when you find out what Alchemy is doing, it sort of provides that ‘holy s**t’ moment that we really love to have on our show.” 

Flashpoint is only going to last a few episodes next season, and it sounds like it’s going to be over before The CW’s four show crossover. Helbing explains why this is the case, comparing it to the two Earth-2 episodes last season. “…I don’t think it would be the best version of the show if we did half the season – almost the whole season – in Flashpoint. That said, the things that Barry changed in the timeline really do ripple throughout the whole season.” It has been confirmed that Flashpoint will affect Arrow and, to a lesser degree, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. How it affects Supergirl – if at all – remains to be seen.

For IGN’s full interview with Helbing, where he discusses the Supergirl musical crossover and Jay Garrick’s role next season, click HERE.

The Flash returns on Tuesday, October 4th at 8 PM EST on The CW.

Paul Romano

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of WOBAM! Entertainment.