Directed By: Ang Lee

Let’s talk about the script now. The script involves way too many small details, and overall, butchers Bruce Banner’s/Hulk’s story. The story progresses too slowly, has too many complications, lacks much of Hulk’s action first personality and just plain sucks. The film has achieved much acclaim due to the complexity, but each person has their own opinion, and the complexity just doesn’t match up to the Hulk personality we all love.

Needless to say, I am happy we have the Mark Ruffalo edition of Bruce Banner/Hulk. Marvel Cinematic Universe has done so well with his rendition of the fabulous Green Goliath. And you can catch the next movie starring Mark Ruffalo as Hulk, Thor: Ragnarok in theaters next week. Stay tuned tomorrow for our review of the second Thor movie, Thor: The Dark World tomorrow, right here at Astonishing Marvels.
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- Slice of Army of the Dead: A Slice of Film Podcast - May 28, 2021
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