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FEATURE: 5 Villains We Want to See in THE BATMAN Solo Movie

Hey guys, welcome back to Watchtower of Babel News’ 25 Days of Batman V Superman. Today we will be discussing 5 villains we would LOVE to see in the next Batman feature film/s. With a lore so rich as the Batman universe, it’s hard not to leave out someone’s favorite villain. Please remember this before shouting angrily at me on Twitter saying “I’m not a real fan” or threatening to call in a bomb strike on my house. 

1. Mister Freeze-Bryan Cranston

Allow me to break the ice with our first entry on the list. As one of the most sympathizable and tragic villains in the Batman universe. Victor Fries uses a refrigerated containment suit in order to keep himself alive. Victor Fries only goal is to save his wife from a terminal disease. What separates him from other villains is his intentions, as he is the only villain you almost always find yourself not rooting against because of his noble cause. If he is done right in media like Batman: Arkham City, he can be one of the most compelling villains ever put to screen. If he’s done wrong…well…let’s just say it won’t be a “Cool party”. Having such a tragic villain requires an actor who can hit all the emotional beats a story like this would require. Bryan Cranston can hit all the emotional beats a villain like Mister Freeze needs to hit. 
2. Riddler-Neil Patrick Harris
Sometimes the Riddler is such a cool and compelling character your eyes can’t leave the TV screen or comic book…other times he is Jim Carrey in Batman Forever. The Riddler has been known to be either a smooth-talking genius or he has an obsessive-compulsive need to design puzzles and riddles, as while as prove he is intellectually superior to Batman. There are many unique and great ways to tackle a complex character like the Riddler. Someone with the acting chops to pull off the complex Edward Nygma is Neil Patrick Harris. Neil Patrick Harris has proven both his comedic (How I Met Your Mother) and dramatic (Gone Girl) acting talents, which gives you room to work with how you want your Riddler to behave.
3. Black Mask-Joaquin Phoenix

What do fans want to see in a Batman movie? A teenage romantic comedy? A Batman credit card? No! We want to see Batman punch some guys hard enough for us to question how strict his “No-kill” policy is. Having a crime boss type villain allows for Batman to get into huge fights with thugs. I personally chose Black Mask as the villain due to his insane and entertaining personality which would be a blast to see on the silver screen. Joaquin Phoenix may seem like an odd choice, but with someone as talented and passionate as Joaquin, I think he could make a fantastic Black Mask.
4. Red Hood-Miles Teller
It seems like everyone and their mother wants Red Hood in some capacity in the DCEU, and for good reason. For those that don’t know Jason Todd was a former Robin who was captured and beaten mercilessly to death by the Joker. Jason Todd eventually comes back and comes into conflict with the Caped Crusader. The thing that makes Red Hood such a great villain is his mindset as well as him and Batman’s past history. Jason Todd blaming Batman for not saving him allows for some great emotional conflict between them. Someone who I think could bring this kind of emotional power and age required by Red Hood would be Miles Teller. Miles Teller has already proved he has the chops to get into an emotional battle with J.K Simmons in Whiplash. 
5. The Joker-Jared Leto

We can only assume Jared Leto will be used heavily in Suicide Squad, and from what we’ve seen, I want more! The Joker when done well can invoke shivers and when done wrong…Caesar Romero with a white mustache happens. Jared Leto has consistently proven his dramatic capabilities especially in Dallas Buyers Club. Including Leto with some of the characters mentioned above we could have a big screen adaptation of comic storyline classic A Death In The Family. 
Those are just a few villains I’d love to see in the Batman solo feature! Make sure to come back tomorrow and check out another installment of 25 Days of Batman V Superman.

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