The WOBAM BEACON Newsletter – May 31st, 2021 – Hops & Otaku Double Slices at The Movies

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Welcome back to The Beacon, y’all! It’s been an insane and crazy month, and we’ve been keeping busy as bees per usual. As the Summer starts to heat up, we trust you’re doing well and that you don’t get too burnt trying to get that fresh summer tan.


The Hops team has had a very busy month on the site, dropping reviews for Mortal Kombat, The Chronicles of Riddick, Big Trouble In Little China, Baywatch, and Doom! That’s a lot of IPA’s, y’all; be sure to bring your drinking faces.
Boss Ross and the J-Man brought the smackdown with podcasts on Ruthless Aggression, the greatest NXT takeover matches of all time, and preview and review episodes for Wrestlemania Backlash. It’s almost enough wrestling content to make us forget WrestleMania XI.
Jason delivers the heat as always with his reviews of The Flash. Check out his reviews for 7×08, 7×09, 7×10, and 7×11 now; they too will have you running to for The CW app… #ReleaseTheCWAppThatWorks
Isak also dropped a new review for New Pokemon Snap on Nintendo Switch. It’s a lovely update to the original formula, and he gushes about it.
Katie’s been busy on Slice of Film this month, dropping episodes for Dune (the one with Toto!), Mortal Kombat (the one with CGI Goro!), Jurassic Park 3 (the one with “Alan!”), and Army of the Dead (the one with robot zombies!).

And speaking of Army of the Dead, the Thunderous Wizard Thomas Kelly dropped his written review of the film on the site! We call this review the Wizard Cut.
Also in movie land, Mike and John have their reviews up for Cruella and A Quiet Place Part II. Consider this a PSA not to breathe or move a muscle when you go see a A Quiet Place Part II in theaters; trust us, there’s like a rule about that in Texas or something.
FINALLY, our friends at The Amateur Otaku, Brandon Alverado and Isak Wolff, make it officially official bringing their podcast to WOBAM. Was it already part of the site? Yes. Did our Editor-in-Chief think they deserved an announcement post like all our other shows got? You betcha. And they have a new episode for My Hero Academia that just dropped, so check it out!
Shining the Beacon on Others
Hailing from Mexico en español, Mega Mixtape is a podcast all about rewinding and replaying the movie from games of yesteryear. Produced by Naop, the show has a catalog focused on Mega Man and is currently airing episodes focused on Donkey Kong Country. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, hearing remixes of classic game music is a delight to behold. Check it out, and be sure to check out the show’s website too!
Finally for this month, New Game Plus over on YouTube has a compilation video published last year that features relaxing Nintendo 64 tracks with a yule log-esque CRT TV. It’s so relaxing and lovely, and well worth a couple hours of your time.

Wrap-up and Salutations
Thanks for reading The Beacon, WOBAMers! As always, you can let us know what you thought by replying, reaching us via our contact page, or shooting us a message over on social media. Is there something you’d like us to share next month? Please let us know so we can keep our beacon shining on others!
Until next time; take it a day at a time, and keep on going.
- The WOBAM BEACON Newsletter – May 31st, 2021 – Hops & Otaku Double Slices at The Movies - May 31, 2021
- The WOBAM BEACON Newsletter – April 26th, 2021 – MORE Podcasts, Mortal Kombat, and Captain America! - April 26, 2021
- The WOBAM BEACON Newsletter – March 31st, 2021 – “Not Us United” - March 31, 2021