DC’s LEGENDS OF TOMORROW “White Knights” Review
With three out of the four Legends Of Tomorrow episodes being fairly high quality, and the time-travel concept finally be exploited further by shifting setting from 1975, I’d say it’s fair to label the series a success.
One area the show has being excelling with for the past week is character, and justifiably so, given the large and ripe cast the series has assembled. While there has yet to emerge a clear protagonist, the character development and interactions have generally proven engaging and entertaining. This has been helped by the pairing of new contrasting characters every week, with tonight’s installment proving no exception. Ray and Snart, perhaps the two most different characters on the cast, were paired again, this time attempting to learn information from scientist Valentina Vostok about the Soviets’ collaboration with Savage. A combination of good chemistry between Miller & Routh and the contrasting personalities of their characters results in an interesting dynamic, with the boy scout-esque Palmer doing his best to encourage Snart that he has potential for good, despite Snart making it clear he is not one of the “white knights” referenced in the title. Indeed, Palmer’s wide-eyed idealism results in poor decision that end up landing the team in a good deal of trouble by the episode’s end.
Cynicism emerged victorious in another of the episode’s subplots, this time focused primarily on Rip Hunter and Mick Rory. After foiling a second attempt at his capture by temporal bounty hunter Chronos, Hunter and Rory came across the former’s mentor, Time Master Druce (Martin Donovan) who offered Hunter and his team amnesty if they end their crusade to stop Savage. Rory sees through the attempt however, and after careful consideration, Hunter comes to agree with him; the two of them (with some help from Firestorm) foil an attempt on Hunter’s life by Druce and Chronos. In regards to Chronos; if the character is the recurring scourge of the team, some character development for him would go a long way; as of this episode, the character is (quite literally, given his face has yet to be shown onscreen) a blank slate. Stein and Jax’s relationship developed further in this episode as well, specifically Jax’s indignant behavior at having Stein; while the story seemed slightly repetitive, the well-acted character beats mostly compensated.

The final pairing of the episode was Sara and Kendra, with Hunter assigning Sara to train Kendra as a warrior and prevent her repressed inner self from taking over in the heat of battle. The episode noted the contrast between the two, with both having a “monster” inside them that they must keep suppressed (namely Sara’s Lazarus pit induced blood-lust, and Kendra’s Hawk Demi-Goddess self). Finally, the episode revealed the nature of Savage’s collaboration with the Soviets; he and their scientists are attempting to recreate Firestorm’s abilities so that Savage may have a way to counter the team and so the Soviets can have a nuclear deterrent. Due to Palmer’s aforementioned attempts at chivalry, Stein, Rory, and Palmer himself were captured in their attempts to destroy the project, with Vostok deciding to use Stein to push the experiment forward. The episode ended with the remaining crew members organizing an escape plan, the results of which should make for an entertaining episode next week.
Overall, DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow’s fourth episode continued the show’s winning streak and makes for another entertaining, if not revolutionary, viewing experience.
Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
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