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FEATURE: 5 Villains We Would Love to See in the JUSTICE LEAGUE Feature Film(s)

Hey guys, welcome back to Watchtower of Babel News’ 25 Days of Batman V Superman! Today we will be talking about the top 5 villains we would want to see in the Justice League feature film. Justice League Part 1 is right around the corner, with production beginning in April. Hopefully we will see one of these villains on this list make an appearance in the biggest DC film to date. Before grabbing your power suits and batarangs preparing to wage a one man reign of terror upon me, remember that this list, like others, is subjective. Now let’s get this party started with maybe the most obvious villain to be apart of the DC superhero teamup!
1. Darkseid-Ron Perlman
Darkseid seems to be the villain everyone thinks should be in the Justice League feature film and for good reason. Darkseid is maybe the most formidable foe the DC has to offer, as the leader of the world Apokolips, Darkseid will not be a pushover. In most stories, Darkseid’s motivation is to eliminate free will and reshape the universe to his liking. Darkseid has already been hinted at existing in the DCEU, so it’s not a stretch to assume he will be making an appearance sooner rather than later. An actor who I think could embody the ruler of Apokolips is Ron Pearlman. This classically trained badass can play the terrifying ruler of Apokolips with ease and make this former prince a truly terrifying villain. 
2. Braniac-Jason Clarke
The collector of worlds is bound to make an appearance in the DCEU, whether it be Man of Steel 2 or a Justice League feature. Due to Braniac’s impressive 12th level intellect, superhuman strength, flight abilities and energy blasts he will certainly need more than one hero to defeat him even if it’s Superman. Brainiac has had many origins stories but most stories set him as a collector of worlds and he does this via a shrink ray. When thinking of someone who could play the cold and calculating Braniac, the name Jason Clarke ran through my mind. Now Jason Clarke may of given a very lackluster performance in Terminator Genisys but I think there were some hints of him being able to be a truly cold and intelligent android.
3. Amazo -Keanu Reeves 
Coming from the same guy who created Red Tornado (Professor Ivo), it’s Amazo! DC’s version of a Sentinel is a relentless android controlled by the sinister Professor Ivo. There’s not much else to say about Amazo since he’s basically a near unstoppable machine. He would provide the Justice League a believable challenge and could possibly be cannon fodder to a bigger villain’s master plan. Someone that I think could be a perfect Amazo if they bulked up a little is Keanu Reeves. I love Keanu but he can be a little robotic in his acting and I think he’d be a perfect match for the killer machine.
4. Crime Syndicate of America
Comics are super freaking weird, and that’s why we have the Crime Syndicate of America.They’re basically the Justice League’s evil doppelgängers! The CSA’s team include Owlman (Batman), Power Ring (Green Lantern), Johnny Quick (The Flash), Ultraman (Superman), & Superwoman (Wonder Woman). They would have to create two evil counterparts for Cyborg and Aquaman so maybe call them Land Fish and Walking Computer? You may be wondering why I didn’t put a fancast and that’s because I prefer them played by their heroic counterparts. 
5. Mongul- Keith David
Fans are really excited to finally see Batman and Superman face off in a few weeks but what if you could see Aquaman vs Green Lantern or Cyborg vs Flash? With a villain like Mongul who rules the planet Warworld, things like this are a possibility. Mongul loves to pit heroes agianst each other in gladiatorial matches in order to entertain his and his people. Mongul isn’t just an intergalactic Julius Caesar, he also has superhuman speed and strength as while as energy projection and Qwadian power rings. Someone who has actually played Mongul and someone I would like too play him again is Keith David. Keith David has already played Mongul fantastically in Young Justice and has the acting ability, the voice and look to play Mongul again.
Make sure to come back tomorrow in order to read another addition of Watchtower of Babel’s 25 Days of Batman v Superman!

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