A Look At The Best Comics In 2018 From Marvel and DC Comics
The comic industry is not doing nearly as well any many people think in 2018. Even though, there are a ton of great comics out, and superheroes movies continued to be all the rage in Hollywood. But somehow, the industry is in despair. There are plenty of factors that include pricing and over-saturation that are making it tough for consumers to take more risks. The average consumer knows what they want and that’s what they’re going to buy.
Sadly, this article will not contain any Indie books. And they’re putting out some incredible comics that deserve recognition; but to appeal to the vast majority we’re going to keep it simple with the big two: Marvel and DC Comics.
Hopefully, this will give you more confidence adventuring outside your current pull list. So, here we go:
1) Tom King’s Batman (DC Comics)
Tom King’s Batman 50 was a huge hit. Well, it sold a lot of copies making it one of the best-selling comics books in 2018. But also, a lot of people were extremely angry at the ending rightfully so after such a huge build-up. The thing with King’s Batman is that you never know what you’re going to get. Which can be frustrating, but at the same time, he has given us some of the best issues in the last 20 years.
His last three issues can be considered some of the best Batman stories ever, and that should give one the confidence to start checking out this series if you’re one of the few who are currently ignoring it for some reason. Cold Days was an intimate look at what happened after the evens of Batman 50. And the book displayed King’s writing prowess almost as good as his masterpiece, Vision.
2. Scott Snyder’s Justice League (DC Comics)
This is the Justice League book fans have been clamoring for ever since the start of Rebirth. Snyder teams up with two all-stars artists in Jimenez and Cheung to deliver something truly epic. This book follows what he’s been setting up ever since Dark Knights Metal, and also, has roots from Morrison’s work from the 90s. Furthermore, one of the biggest draws is the team is made up of all the people from Justice League: The Animated Series (plus, more Aquaman).
Another huge draw are the villains. Snyder brings in the Legion of Doom to give the book an even more epic feel as the League goes against the most ruthless characters in all of DC Comics. If you’re craving something as epic as Game Of Thrones, then look no further, as the team travels to depths of space to find…I’m just going to leave it at that. This book is way too good to spoil anything!
3. Dan Abnett’s Aquaman (DC Comics)
4. Tom King’s Mister Mister Miracle (DC Comics)
5. Geoff Johns Doomsday Clock (DC Comics)
1. Dan Slott’s Fantastic Four (Marvel Comics)
2. Jason Aaron’s Thor (Marvel Comics)
Honestly, a lot of people are still getting over the events of Mighty Thor 700. And yet, this book moves forward because Thor must as well. Sadly, there’s one huge drawback to this book: If you haven’t been reading this book for the last couple of years, then you might have trouble with a few things. But at the same time, Aaron does a tremendous job catching readers up, and giving us a Thor similar to the one we saw in Ragnarok. Mike Del Mundo’s artwork is beautiful as always, and Aaron is starting to build his supporting cast with some fan-favorites. Plus, Thori (a Hellhoud) almost steals the book. If you’re looking for something truly epic, then look no further as Thor goes to fight for the Nine Realms. This and Justice League are probably the two most ambitious books from the big two (Doomsday Clock is in its own category).
3. Don Cates Venom & Cosmic Ghost Rider (Marvel Comics)
Don Cates has been on a tear recently at Marvel. He’s creating new mythos for Venom, and also, giving us one of the most wackiest, craziest rides ever in Cosmic Ghost Rider. The great thing about his Venom comic is that is should help get the buzz going for the upcoming movie, rightfully so.
I will give this one detail because it’s just mind-blowing; plus, it ties Thor directly into Venom’s origin. Cates created Knull the God of Symbiotes, and this really helps the comics stand apart from others. Lastly, just to give you a taste of Cosmic Ghost Rider: Frank Castle is C.G.R., and is riding around space on a motorcycle, with baby Thanos strapped to his chest. Do I need to say more?
And there you have the best comics so far in 2018. I really wish I could’ve went into more detail, but that would most likely have robbed you of experiencing these amazing stories for yourself. The main objective was to give you a taste of some of the best comics out on the market, and hopefully, it was accomplished. Feel free to disagree, or leave a comment letting me know if I left any out. Thanks for reading!
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