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OFFICIAL: Revenge of the Fans joins WOBAM Entertainment – THE FANBOY PODCAST, HOPS AND BOX OFFICE FLOPS, and more!

We used to joke in our group chat about buying Revenge of the Fans for $1. Mario-Francisco Robles never would have sold it, of course, and it was worth way more than a buck, but the thought was always amusing since we were something of a sister site.

A lot has changed with our sites in the last couple years. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyday life, and many of us are in different places than we were a couple years ago. The landscape of geek journalism is ever changing too, with news being carried by larger sites and the rumor mill shifting towards Twitter. With these changing landscapes, new opportunities present themselves, and today is one of them.

We are honored to announce that Revenge of the Fans is joining WOBAM Entertainment. Starting today, WOBAM readers will have full access to the entire backlog of The Fanboy Podcast and Hops and Box Office Flops along with new episodes and content. Mario, Thomas Kelly, and the rest of the Hops crew are all coming over, and we’re excited to share their voices as we move forward.

The RTF website and its content will continue to stay up, and WOBAM will point back to that content for our readership. The Revenge of the Fans name will live on as a future segment on WOBAM.

We want to thank all the tremendous people who’ve written and produced for Revenge of the Fans over the years. Your work lives on. And to the RTF crew joining us, we look forward to many great days ahead…

And for more Revenge of the Fans content, stay tuned here to WOBAM Entertainment! Follow us on social media on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @WOBAMEnt and follow Revenge of the Fans on Twitter @RevengeOTFans.

Ask me about Myst.