5 DC Movie/TV Characters We Want to See in THE FLASH Movie

This week, news broke that DC‘s The Flash/Flashpoint movie will feature a Batman – but not the one anyone expected. Michael Keaton, the star of Batman (1989) and Batman Returns, is in talks to return to his iconic role, in what is said to be the first of several appearances throughout the DC Extended Universe. This opens all kinds of doors for the film. Once thought to be just a loose adaptation of the Flashpoint comic, The Flash will now give moviegoers a glimpse of the DC Multiverse.
This can allow for other characters from DC’s film and television history to appear. We saw this in The CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths, which featured everyone from Brandon Routh’s Superman to even Ezra Miller‘s Flash. Still, doing something similar in a movie is just as ambitious. Not only would it allow for more appearances that weren’t in Crisis, it would also further solidify every DC property as part of the same Multiverse.
Below, we list five characters/actors we’d love to see in The Flash movie, or another DC Multiverse film.
The Flash (Grant Gustin)

Starting with what is now the most obvious choice. The idea of a crossover between the DCEU and the Arrowverse was a longshot for years. At least, until Ezra Miller’s Flash met Grant Gustin’s Flash in Crisis on Infinite Earths. It was a shocking cameo that shows the sky’s the limit when it comes to the Multiverse. Fans have speculated that we’ll see this scene play out again in The Flash movie, and honestly, it’d make sense. It would show the perspective of DCEU Flash, while also giving Gustin (now the face of the Arrowverse) a shot at a movie cameo.
Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter)

The Wonder Woman television series in the 1970s is a beloved classic, and to this day, Lynda Carter’s portrayal is iconic. Fans have wanted to see her reprise the role forever. Crisis on Infinite Earths didn’t make it happen, so why not do it in a movie? Carter is another legacy actor who would be a perfect fit in a cinematic Multiverse trip. And come on, imagine a scene between her and Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman. That would be, well, wonderful.
Batman (Robert Pattinson)

There has been back-and-forth on whether The Batman has any connection to the DCEU. Right now, a standalone portrayal (ala Joker) is most likely. Still, having The Flash acknowledge this Batman in some way would be cool. It would communicate to moviegoers right away that The Batman is in a separate universe, but still connected via the Multiverse. Also, is it too much to hope for a Robert Pattinson and Michael Keaton interaction?
Catwoman (Michelle Pfieffer)

Michelle Pfieffer’s Selina Kyle stole the show in Batman Returns, and to this day, her portrayal is considered one of the best in DC’s movie history. Pfieffer was expected to get her own spinoff movie, but that never materialized. So, why not let her get another shot at the claws? With Keaton eyeing a return, it would make sense for Pfieffer to return in some capacity. Even a quick cameo showing what she’s been up to after Batman Returns would be nice.
Robin John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)

And now, we end with what may be the biggest longshot. Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Trilogy is a self-contained story that showed no intention of exploring other superheroes or crossovers. Still, with Bruce Wayne presumed dead, Robin John Blake found his base, presumably leading to him taking over as Gotham’s hero. Whether that is Batman, Robin or another mantle, it would be cool to see a glimpse of how he fares as his own vigilante. Still, with the series having closure and WB not wanting to anger Nolan, this probably won’t happen.
Which DC movie/television actor(s) do you want to see in The Flash movie? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter at @WOBAMEnt.
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